• Cases
  • Rail, Transport & Logistics

Deutsche Bahn



Deutsche Bahn planned to take a broader brand measurement approach into account to strengthen and adjust its brand position & message in the market, along with its products and – last but not least – amongst its customers. By making digital brand perception of media and customers visible, tangible, comparable and accessible company-wide, Deutsche Bahn wanted to be able to keep track of newly launched products, apps, media efforts and the impact to their brand values, always with one eye on the competition, plus fostering one internal understanding of how the brand is perceived.


With the set goal of measuring the Deutsche Bahn brand holistically with new data, TD Reply proposed the Digital Brand Perception Approach: From the gathering of digital data to assessing & analyzing the pool to visualizing synthesized results and handy KPIs. Our data intelligence team at TD Reply operationalized the brand values, competitors and topics into digital customer language, pulled the data from a social media monitoring tool and applied text mining analytics to crunch qualitative data into quantitative numbers and scales. The results are visualized on an ongoing basis through a comparative dashboard that is accessible company-wide, presenting live data of unbiased consumer and media voice to keep track of brand values as well as brand topics.